Best Species Captures Leaderboard
Please go to your account MY ACCOUNT for details of all fish you have caught to date
Trophy Fish Ranking - Junior - Cod (saltwater)
Rank #1 - Jackson Hodge
Species: Cod (Purple Rock)
Length: 470 mm
Club: Hinchinbrook SFC
Location: Trunk reef
Date Caught: 2024-09-01
Rank #2 - Lucy Jane Moran
Species: Cod (Goldspotted Rock)
Length: 365 mm
Club: Hinchinbrook SFC
Location: Boyle RV. Bushland Beach
Date Caught: 2024-09-24
Rank #3 - Lyra Wolens
Species: Cod (Blackspotted Rock)
Length: 360 mm
Club: Ipswich United SFC
Location: Russell Island
Date Caught: 2024-08-03